Monday, January 25, 2010

Accountability According to Oprah

I was watching Oprah last week. I admit it, I'm secure with myself. Sarah Palin and her daughter were on there talking to Oprah about having a baby, blah blah blah. (I wasn't really paying that much attention). I did however tune in when Oprah said that people shouldn't make a verbal commitment to be a virgin until they are married because "you just never know" and then if you lose your virginity before you get married, people will judge you more harshly because you made the commitment in the first place.

I think Husband put it best when he said: "Yeah, it's best not to be accountable. Don't tell anyone you are starting a new diet or workout plan either, because then you won't feel as bad when you quit"

When did accountability become a bad thing? Why can't you just make a commitment and then have the cajones to back it up? Making your commitment public is the best thing to help you. Shame is a darn good motivator!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Toxic Relationship

There will come a time when people realize the inevitable is in fact inevitable. I am going to die, and there's very little I can do about it. This is why I am tired of hearing about toxins. There are toxins in everything we eat, everything we do, and short of getting a bubble and not eating anything, it's kind of a fact of life.

SO, here's the deal. I could spend the rest of my life eating nothing but sprouts and uncooked wheat in the vain and fruitless attempt to live forever, or, here's an idea, I can enjoy the life I am given. I like food. I always will, and no matter how many times you tell me red dye #4 is going to kill me, I'm still going to eat M&Ms. (disclaimer: I don't in fact know that M&Ms HAVE red dye #4). I'm going to drink the occasional diet cola because it makes me feel better than wasting my entire day's workout on one drink. I'm going to eat Burger King Poutine sometimes. I am also going to drive a car, spray paint without a mask (outside of course), and maybe even run in the grass even if I don't know if it's been chemically treated. I am going to buy tomatoes in the winter, from the grocery store, even though they don't taste the same. I'm going to use mosquito spray because hey, I'm not a fan of sitting inside all summer. All this because truthfully, I might die tomorrow anyway, and I might as well enjoy myself!

Now, don't get me wrong... I'm not saying "go nuts! life is short! eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we DIE!" (unless of course you really ARE dying tomorrow). I'm just an advocate of BALANCE. Don't fret so much about the toxins in your body, because I'm telling you, it will rot your soul. Smile, hug someone, and share your M&Ms.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Resolution time. Ok, so I'm a little late... add that to my resolutions. Overall, I don't really believe in resolutions, but considering I'm the type of person who can only realistically start an exercise program on a monday (any other day just doesn't make sense, why would I start something when half the week is over?) I figure the new year is kind of like a big giant monday. That said, I did start a new exercise program (read: AN exercise program). I did wait until the first Monday to do it though... is that weird? Kind of the perfect storm that way.

I know I need to eat better, and I know I need to exercise, but man... I'm not a big fan. I started exercising at the beginning of the day to get it over with. The TV isn't that great in the morning, (no primetime dramas to keep me interested), but it does allow me to exercise 5 days a week rather than 4 (my workout programs never included Friday night).

The thing I haven't really figured out yet is what the heck I'm supposed to eat. The only "diet" that ever worked for me (and did it ever) was low carb, but I'm not insane. I like potatoes and perogies too much. I think I'll just keep chanting "moderation" as my mantra. I can deal with that. I'll eat lots of veggies, less junk, and it still lets me sneak a Burger King poutine in there once in a while.

For now, I'll just sit here, typing and sipping my caffeine-free-diet-cola and rotting my brain (according to Husband) while I try not to eat the ice cream sandwiches that are waving at me from the freezer.