Monday, May 31, 2010

Birthdays of note.

I just turned 30 and I'm not sure what all the fuss was about.  Maybe it's my perception of the age, given that television tells me hitting my 30's is pushing me one step closer to the grave, and all my fun is over.  Because I know myself, I figured I was unlikely to suffer a breakdown by the change in decade, and I was right.  It was just another birthday (albeit a good one).  There was no crying, no gnashing of teeth and no regrets.  I figure hitting the new decade just means I have 10 shiny new years to fill. 

I don't really know why people have difficulty with the big 3-0.  it's really not that bad.  I suppose it's all mindset though.  If you are prone to the idea that 30 makes you "old", it might be a tough pill to swallow...  but to me, I feel I've lived long enough and experienced enough to be given the honour.   It's the perfect age.  You are old enough that you can be considered a grown up if you so choose, and you can still fall into the "young and stupid" bracket. 

Maybe it's because I have no regrets.  I think all birthdays would be tough if you weren't pleased at the way your life had transpired.  I've crossed enough off my life list to be happy with where I am and recognize that there is still a WHOLE lot of life left to finish the rest. 

Here's hoping I'm around to hit the next 30.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm in Perfect Health, Please Don't Worry.

I hope people don't start thinking I'm dying. 

I've just had this urge lately to do all those things that have noodled around in my brain for as long as I can remember.  Perhaps it's because I haven't been gainfully employed in a brain-melting job for so long that I've started to get my inspiration back.  I no longer spend 8 hours of every day doing pointless tasks for someone else, so in that time, my brain is allowed the freedom to be used for me. 

Maybe it's because I want to be an example to Girl.  I want her to know that any dream is worthwhile pursuing, even if it's just to quiet the "what ifs".  I don't want her to settle for my idea of how her life should be... (or anyone else's).

So, I'm going to do it all.  Why not?  Whatever stupid little voices in my head that say it's unrealistic can just tone it down a bit and be drowned out by those other voices that are just SCREAMING at me to get in gear.  I can do whatever I want to do and I'm going to keep doing it. 

So, if you think I'm working on my life list, I suppose you're right (I refuse to call it a "Bucket List" by the way... even if it is a popular phrase right now). 

Unfortunately for every item I cross off, more appear below it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Diary of an Inventor, Part 14... MAILING DAY!

*Does a little dance for Mailing Day!*

It's true...  I've reached that point where I can throw this little bird out of the nest and get it to do some work for ME for once!  So, much to all your pleasure I'm sure, it is also the point where I figure I can unveil it to the masses.  The Provisional Patent is set and it would be pretty darn hard to beat me to the companies I'm pitching to (and realistically, not that many people read my blog), so here it is!

I'd like to introduce you to MēGō.   For a better look, take a look at my website.

It took longer than I wanted to mail it, mainly because it took me a while to figure out how to send an SASE with it (if anyone thinks I'm letting my prototype float around forever, they have another thing coming!), since the US doesn't accept Canadian postage for parcels originating in the US and you can't buy US postage in Canada.  So, that all got worked out with the nifty little piece of paper called the "international reply coupon".

It's weird, because I'm really excited, really nervous and really calm all at the same time.   I think it's because I'm not THAT emotionally attached.  This product isn't my baby, it's something I needed to serve a purpose in my own life, and based on the reaction of others, would be useful to other moms too.  I just don't want to ever look back at my life and say "I wonder what would have happened if...."  So here I am, giving it a whirl, and if it happens and I get my indoor pool... HURRAY!  and if not, I haven't lost anything (Well, except for the patent money, but I figure that can be the price of the education I gained). 

I really would prefer the indoor pool though.