It finally came in the mail. My secret, magical potion to make me millions. Ok, maybe not, but I really wish I had come up with this stuff. It seems as though the possibilities for it are kind of endless. This boring little bag of white pellets has so much potential. It's the only way I know of to make plastic parts without selling your arm in the process. All you need is this, some water and a microwave. Luckily I now have all these implements so let me show you how it works.

Step 1: Dump some boring plastic pellets into a cup and put some water in there too. I don't think there is a recipe.
Step 2: Stick it in the nuker and watch it spin for oh, 45 seconds maybe?

When you take it out, the boring little white pellets should be a pretty, clear, crystallized lump of fun.
Step 3: Carefully remove from the water, so as not to burn your dainty fingers. (I used a ladle as you can see here)

Step 4. PLAY! Squish out the excess water and mold till you can't mold no more.

Once it cools, you have a hard, super durable... thing. And the fun thing about this, is if you don't like it, you just dump the whole lot back into some water and start all over again. It's grown-up play-doh at its best. Oh the fun there is to be had!

This is almost as cool as the peanut butter play-doh I used to make, play with, and then eat as a child... :P What are your plans for this plastic-y play-doh?