Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Powdered Buttermilk? Who knew!?

I love making new discoveries, though sometimes I wonder about my mother.  She apparently already knows about half of my discoveries and in my thirty-odd years hasn't thought to mention them.

So, this is a new discovery for me... but not my mom.

I can count the number of times I have made pancakes on one hand with a few fingers left over, mainly because the only recipe I will use is a buttermilk recipe and I never have buttermilk on hand.

tada!  Powdered buttermilk!

It's fantastic!  I so often shy away from recipes because they call for a cup of buttermilk, and I know that once I make them I'll have 3 cups left rotting in my fridge.  Yes, I can "whip up" something, or possibly freeze it, but really, that never happens.  I have likely thrown away gallons of the stuff.

My local bulk food store had it, and for $7 I have enough of the powder to make 3-4 GALLONS of buttermilk (not bad, since a litre is what...  $3?).  I can make only as much as I need, (1/4cup + 4c water) and now, pancakes are back on the table.

Mom: "Oh yeah, I used to use that for pancakes when you guys were little so I wouldn't have to buy buttermilk all the time"

Thanks mom.


  1. I will be checking this out ASAP. I often will turn the page as soon as I see a recipe that calls for buttermilk. THink of all the buttermilky things we'll be able to eat now!

  2. I knew. Because you told me about it last week :-)

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