Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunrise, sunset.

Is this the little girl I carried?

We hit a bit milestone yesterday.  Girl turns two tomorrow and yesterday we moved the crib out of her room and replaced it with a twin-sized bed.  Suddenly her room didn't look like a nursery anymore and I can't figure out where the time has gone.  My baby isn't a baby anymore, she's a brilliant, talkative kid who doesn't sleep in a crib. 

One thing I have learned over the course of my limited parenting is to not give kids too much information.  So while I was somewhat panicked about Girl's new ability to get out of bed on her own, I wasn't about to let her know.  Kids are masters at the loophole and if you tell them too much, they WILL use it against you.  I didn't even mention to her that she needs to stay in bed.  I figured, if I told her that, I might plant the idea that she can get out.  So far, we've been through bedtime and a nap and it hasn't been any more difficult than with a crib. Keep your fingers crossed! 

I tend to be a mean mommy.  While the books and magazines say that giving your kids a comfort item is a good thing, I wanted to see if it was possible to make it through toddlerhood without one.  It always seemed like something that could become a giant pain in the future.  So far so good.  Girl's soother was gone by 6 months, she has no noticable attachments to any stuffed animals and last night I decided to make the blanket she slept with since she was born disappear for a while.  I could have put it into her new bed with her, but I wanted to see if she actually needed it before I did.  Apparently she doesn't, she hasn't mentioned it.

As I write this, she's sleeping soundly (and so is Husband).  I should be sleeping since I didn't get more than a few hours last night, but the peace and quiet (and ability to watch some TV trash) is nice. 

I'll just pray this keeps up and the whole transition is smooth and easy.  My little big girl is growing up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear it went smoothly! Everyone warned us when we put Cooper in his twin bed that it was going to be trouble, but it wasn't at all! Happy Birthday Leona! :)
