Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Every baby is different.

I think I swallowed a very large goldfish (or two) and they are trying to figure out how to get through my intestines.  Oh wait...  my intestines aren't there anymore.

I remember this, vaguely, but this time it seems so early.  I think I felt my first baby flutters at about 18-19 weeks last time, and here I am at 17, and we're well beyond flutters.  Husband actually felt some definite kicks last night, which he wasn't able to do until well past 20 weeks last time. 

It's interesting.  They say that second-time moms feel the baby earlier, mainly because they know what it's supposed to feel like and are better able to discern between normal digestion and the baby, but do the babies themselves progress faster?   I can't believe that's the case.  I suppose I can chalk it up to "every baby/mom/pregnancy is different"  which is pretty much the catch-all excuse for anything when it comes to babies.    Ok, so I do still have that silly little doubt that there is only one in there, but I'm trying to reform.

I have also, after much more severe morning sickness this time around, lost all of my normal gag reflex.  I tried to throw away some leftover veggie dip yesterday (it wasn't even mouldy or gross, just questionable) and it made me toss my cookies...  or my bagel, as it were.    Here's hoping Girl doesn't get the flu again...  sympathy puking at its best.

I'm going to be crooked again.  The baby has far surpassed the "1-2 inches below your belly button" point (where I'm supposed to be), and has also taken over my entire right side, pretty much to my ribs already.  It won't be long before my shoulders start to go a bit cock-eyed.  I have a doctor's appointment today, so I'm prepared to hear the normal battery of questions.  "How far along are you?"... "Are you SURE of your dates?"...  "Do twins run in the family?"...  aaaaah.  nothing like doctors to reassure you.


  1. YAY! Another post ;)

    I think you feel the baby earlier too in your second pregnancy because your abdomen muscles are, sadly, not as tight anymore so that allows you to feel more- and show more- earlier!

    Oh my word, twins.....

  2. Sorry about the gag-reflex. I smelled a bit of B.O. on the pizza delivery guy and puked right in his face and all over his shoes. Not one of my classiest moments, I'll admit. I was far enough along that he must have known I was pregnant but it didn't really help my dignity much.

    I don't really think babies progress faster the second time around, and if they did I think it would only be within a day or two but not more than a week, I'd say. (because I am medically trained, didn't you know?) Maybe you're just really aware of your body and can feel EVERYTHING! Or there are two... or three??

    I can't wait to hear after your ultrasound.. one baby or two babies, just so happy for you guys!
