Friday, July 1, 2011


I was told, before having children, that the biggest adjustment to having kids didn't come after the first...  it came when you hit 2 kids.  I understood.  When you have one child you pretty much just change your life to revolve around him or her.  Let's face it... newborns are easy.  As hard as we think they are at the time, they pretty much just eat, sleep, cry and poop (not listed in order of frequency).  Throw a two-year-old into the mix, and you've got yourself a party.  Not only do you need to re-adjust to a newborn, but you also need to help your older child adjust, which often can be the hardest part.  When there are 2 kids in need, one of them has to wait, and it's likely not going to be the one who is causing public lactation that looks like you fell boob-first into a puddle while waiting in line at McDonalds (totally hypothetical situation).

Let's have some fun with math.  Of my available time, Girl had a solid "1".  She has since moved to 1/2 (not taking into account the additional needs of a newborn).  Should Husband and I decide to have more children, Boy and Girl will each move from 1/2 to 1/3, a relatively small change of 1/6th compared with Girl's loss of 1/2.  See, math does come in handy now and then.  Now, for all of you who are shouting at the computer about how your heart expands to love all children the same blah blah blah, I'm not talking about love...  I'm talking about time.  As much as I would love my day to also increase by measure of the number of children I have, I don't get enough sleep as it is. 

I've been lucky so far, Girl has taken the addition of Boy in stride, having a much harder time with my c-section recovery.  Yes, sometimes she screams "He's making too much noise" much louder than he is crying, and has once or twice worried that there wasn't enough room on my ample lap for both of them (always proven wrong on that one), but she's been good. 

The last few nights however have been a little tougher.  For whatever reason, she hasn't wanted to sleep, preferring instead to not lose grip of me.  It has been a long time since Girl has wanted to cuddle, but lately she seems to always want to be on my lap, holding on to me, even to the point where she wants me to lie down in bed with her (something she was adamantly against since the moment she got her big-girl bed.)  I know she needs a bit more attention, and because she has been so good with the adjustment so far, I'm willing to give it to her, even if it means we're up a bit later for a little while. 

It's frustrating, and exhausting, but I remind myself it's not permanent.  This too will pass in a few days, and we'll be on to some new, equally tiring phase.  She'll go to sleep eventually, and when she does, the house will be quiet. 

Boy will then take the opportunity to spit up into my cleavage, just to remind me he is there too.

I love being a mom.

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