Thursday, July 28, 2011

Beauty products I stole from my baby.

I have a ton of baby products.  Well, not really, I can pretty much get by with a bottle of baby shampoo and occasionally some diaper cream.  I bought a lot of products with Girl because I thought that's what you were supposed to do, and most of them are still kicking around.  Discovering new uses for them is great!  Not to mention, baby products are significantly cheaper than the magic stuff in tiny bottles marketed to me.  Here are some of my favourites:

1. Zinc Oxide Cream:
Great for diaper rash, but even before I had kids I was using this stuff on my feet.  I have terribly rough feet, especially in the summer.  I think it's because, as a rule, I avoid socks like the plague as soon as I can get away with it.  As a result, my feet get chapped, skin peels off, and a few days ago I realized they were so bad they were acting like velcro on our carpets.  This cream works wonders.  Zinc is a healing agent, so it will also help with minor cuts and scrapes (though, I wouldn't use the same container you use for diaper rash...  too easy to cross-contaminate).  Just smear a heavy amount onto the soles of your feet, pull some socks on and go to bed.  By morning you'll see a noticable difference.  For even better results, get out the footfile first.  I've also done this with my hands with wonderful results.

2. Pure Lanolin

If you're like me, you likely bought a bottle of this before nursing...  and most of it is still in the container.  It's so thick and sticky, I pretty much abandoned it after a week or so with Girl, and I think I used it once with Boy.  Here's a great tip...  it's a wonderful lip protector/chapstick/gloss.  I'll admit, I'm kind of addicted to the tingly feeling chapsticks offer, but I'll be using my Lanolin this winter.  It's thick, has a nice subtle gloss, and softens your lips nicely.  (Like my feet, I have always been cursed with dry, chapped lips).

3. Baby Hairbrush
I've bought the microderm abrasion machines too.  Haven't used it in a long time... because now I have a baby hairbrush.  (I had two, so it's not like I was doing double duty between my face and Girl's cradle cap).  Use it gently in circular motions with your favourite cleanser as often as you would normally exfoliate for a soft, glowing face.  Added bonus, you can use it in the tub/shower without the nagging fear of electrocution.

4.  Baby oil

I know the commercials say to use this after you shower to "lock in moisture" and all that jazz...  but I use this as eye makeup remover.  SO much cheaper than any remover you can buy, and since I have a giant bottle with perhaps an inch used, I'll never need to buy makeup remover again.  Apparently baby wipes will do this too, but I can't confirm that one (they'll also take white anti-persirant marks off clothing).

There...  now you can be soft and dewy too (like your baby...  not me).  I have yet to find an anti-aging baby products, but as soon as I get all the ingredients together, I'll give you one of those too!

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas!

    I felt like I bonded with you just a little bit more when I read that your feet are dry and scratchy. My feet have always been like that, because I never wear socks (unless I have to).. Destinin bum cream is what I use, it has the most amount of zinc oxide (40% I think).

    For anti-aging APPARENTLY using Vaseline on your eyes and lips before you go to bed is supposed to help with prevening wrinkles. My only beef with it is that it feels slimey and I get it on my pillow.
