Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I have an opinion, and I'm ok with that. Is that ok with you?


My mom always told me that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  I agree wholeheartedly.  Problem is, "nice" has become "agreeable".  I get really tired of the internet sometimes, because it seems as though we have lost the ability to have opinions.  I've spent my fair share of time on Facebook, message boards, blogs, etc, and I've never been one to shy away from offering a contradictory opinion, but I'm starting to learn that everyone just wants everyone to agree with them.

I've been accused of being hostile, "worked up", angry, snide, mean, and my all-time favourite, having my posts deleted because I'm not actually allowed to express my opinion. (meaningful glance at a certain relative) I hate to break it to you people, I have yet to get "worked up" or angry about a Facebook status, and it's not "mean" to have a contrasting opinion.  There is a big difference between saying "you are dumb" and "I don't agree with you".

Maybe it's this culture we have created where praise and adoration is dolled out by the bucketful.  Kids are praised for everything they do, soccer teams don't have winners or losers anymore (so no one feels bad), and all anyone really wants to hear on their Facebook status is "WowAwesomeSuperCoolHigh-five". 

Insert eye roll.

I'm willing to praise and encourage where such things are due, but if you go onto the internet and post an outlandish opinion, you can't honestly expect that everyone is going to think you're amazing.  I found it really interesting that after our recent federal election, the vast number of posts were the same.  Apparently everyone was really upset by the outcome.  I found this strange since the Conservatives did win...  and someone besides myself must have voted for them.  Right, because Facebook can only hold one opinion, and the upset people got there first. 

I really hope to instill a proper sense of balance in my kids.  I don't want them growing up thinking everything they do is praise worthy and that the best course of action is to always just agree with everyone.  I want them to think for themselves and not be afraid to express their ideas.  The popular opinion is not always the right one.  I hope to teach them that a good debate will make them stronger, will allow them to understand different points of view and sharpen their minds.  An opinion is useless unless it has been challenged and has survived.  I'm not so vain as to think I'm always right, and I welcome challenges to my ideas. 

So please, I invite you to engage me, sharpen me, contradict me, take my opinions and try to crush them. 

I, on the other hand will remember to only post non-sensical ditties about how awesome everyone is.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I'm sooo nosey and want to know the details. Does that offend you?

    BTW, I like you best when you're snide. ;)
