Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Diary of an Inventor, Part 8

I'm sorry my posts have been very "invention-focused" these days, but it's kind of been the one thing on my mind lately. Luckily I am pretty good at multi-tasking, so I can play peek-a-boo, roll balls back and forth and think strategy at the same time. I finally completed what I believe to be the final prototype, so *fingers crossed*. it may need a bit of tweaking here and there, but overall, the shape is right. I've been making a pile more these days to give away to moms I know (or don't know) who can help me test them. I know it works great for me, but it's extremely valuable to get the honest opinion of others who are there or who have been there.

I have to be honest, I'm really glad that I decided not to worry about making these myself and selling them. As much as I like to make them, it would defeat the purpose of being a stay-at-home mom. It has been enough for me to make 8 of them to give away, nevermind try to keep up with potential demand from selling them. (As great an idea as having a garage sale and selling them there was, I would hope to hit a bigger market.) Yes, I could likely make more money being the sole owner of the business, but I know how much work running your own business takes, I just don't want that. I want to do nothing and still make money. HAH! Isn't that the American dream?! Husband asked me recently "Why are you doing this, when you could just be a wedding photographer and have a guaranteed good income?". He'll forget about that question after I build the indoor pool.

1 comment:

  1. We're totally coming back to visit when you have an indoor pool ;)
