Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Diary of an Inventor, Part 9

Well, I've taken the leap, moved on to the next step where I file a "Provisional Patent". While it's not a full patent, it allows me to take a year before filing the full patent to gauge the market, and/or sell them, and/or find someone to license it. (Ideally focused on the latter). If at the end of the year, I decide that it's useless and no one wants it, I can just let it dissolve and I'm out less money than if I had the full patent. It's a good compromise. Then I get to slap "PATENT PENDING" all over it (which will do very little other than deter people like me from ripping me off).

This weekend I spent a whole bunch of time cutting and cutting and cutting and sewing. I'll be really happy once I can either pay someone else to do that work for me, or just sit back and do nothing and wait for the royalty cheques to come in. (What can I say? Why dream unless you dream big?).

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