Monday, July 4, 2011

I heart thunderstorms.

There is something about a good thunderstorm.  It rattles the house and makes you jump.  There is one happening outside right now.  It's not as crazy or loud as I'd prefer, (and it's coming on a somewhat inconvenient day... sorry Audrey) but it makes me happy.  We haven't had a good storm yet this year, and let me tell you, I've been waiting. 

I put Girl to bed for her nap around the time the dark clouds started rolling in, and I could still hear her awake when the rumbling started.  A tiny niggling fear in me thought "I should go tell her thunderstorms are not something to be afraid of".  I do that now and then.  I assume she'll be scared and then have to stop myself from telling her everything is ok. 

*Pause to run outside and put blankets on the one un-insured car on the driveway.  Husband called and said they were getting big hail where he was.  He has all the fun*

Before Girl was born, I knocked off some stuffed monsters for her (there was no way I was paying $40 for something I could make myself in an hour).  I have always told her they were monsters.  My mother-in-law heard me say that once and was shocked.  "Why do you tell her they are monsters?!  Children are AFRAID of monsters."

Ok lady.  Monsters don't exist.  If Girl wants to think a monster is a cuddly, colourful toy, why would I prevent that?

Same thing with storms.  I think kids develop some fears because of what we tell them.  Girl has no reason to think a thunderstorm is scary, nor does she have a reason to think a monster is, so why would I give her that idea?  If I tell her not to be scared, she'll get the idea that maybe, just maybe, there is something to be scared OF. 

I love thunderstorms and I hope Girl picks that up to, because for the most part, they're just fun.  There is nothing to be scared of.

And while I say that, I'll remind myself to be really brave around spiders.

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