Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'd like to start a support group for those of us with over-active imaginations.

There is some marginal benefit to having a good imagination, especially if you can figure out a way to make money with it, but there is a dark downside. 

Nothing is safe.

As soon as I had Girl into her own bed in her own room (a week or two after I had her) and starting using the baby monitor...  my imagination reared it's ugly head.  I would have these recurrin episodes of "It would be SO SCARY IF..."  and then visions of watching the baby monitor as a calm, rough voice crackled through the speaker, alerting me that he "has my baby", and I can come up and get her if I want. 


I don't know why I do it to myself.  Can't I just be like the rest of the world, to whom a baby monitor is nothing more than surveillance? 

The scary thing is that this isn't even all.  Perhaps I enjoy being scared and freaking myself out.  I do really enjoy Criminal Minds after all.  There is a fairly remote chance that the way I go out will be linked to a serial killer, but...  you never know.  I hope I'm not that person in the movie who runs from the house when everyone in the theatre is screaming not to, but rather the one who somehow, through sheer resiliancy, makes it out alive, scarred for life.

I need a support group.

1 comment:

  1. Can I join??

    One time, the only time, Cooper stayed over night at Tim's parent's house and I couldn't sleep because I was convinced that because they lived in Millwoods (rough area) that Cooper might get shot through the window while he slept, and that he better not have the bedroom that faces the street.
