Sunday, October 17, 2010


I was told today that I have to put up new blog entries otherwise people may believe I have spiralled into a deep depression.  No depression thus far...  just the plain old crazy life.  I've been checking things of the list/pile that seems to be devouring me, and still so many of my dreams and goals are being left until I have more time.  Good luck with that.  I haven't written in months, though my book still swirls in my head at inopportune times (like when I should be sleeping).  I really need to write it down. 

The Real Food Experiment is really difficult in some ways.  I find grocery shopping really hard.  I think that's mainly because I am so used to buying what I see...  being inspired by the store for what to make for dinner.  I need to actually plan ahead now.  It saves me money because ther is virtually no impulse purchasing, but it takes a bit more brain power (of which I am lacking these days).   Lunches for Husband are especially hard.  When deli meats are out (a staple of his former lunch), and anything other than homemade mayo, it takes a lot of advance planning to figure something out.  Husband has gone to work with a container of hard-boiled eggs and fruit.  Sorry hon. 

There are definitely times when I feel like giving up.  Times like now especially when I can't even find the time in life to blog about how I feel.  What is the point of doing it if no one else can learn anything from the experiment? 

Speaking of how I feel...  not that different.  I had thought (especially with all the talk of toxins and free-radicals and the evils of preservatives) that there would be some measurable change in our health.  Not really, at least for me.  Husband has lost weight (grumble), but that likely has more to do with the inability to snack on doughnuts at coffee break.  I have lost about 10 pounds in the last while, but that's a story for another day.

We'll keep going.  Maybe someday I'll feel different.  I don't though.  I think just getting on my elliptical would make more of a difference to my health than this diet is doing, but time will tell.

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