Friday, October 22, 2010

Getting Pregnant 101

Step one:  Do all things normally associated with getting pregnant.

Step two:  Commit to a year-long insane plan of eating all whole foods. 

Step three: Nope, there is no step 3.  That's it.

It happened.  I knew it would.  I knew that the second I committed to this cockamamie plan that I'd instantly get pregnant.  It's how things work with me.  Life changes only come when I don't allow time for them.  I wasn't too worried, I've been pregnant before and I didn't forsee any problems doing both at the same time.  Boy, was I wrong. 

Morning sickness hits me almost instantly.  I'm not one of those people who gets a few weeks to digest and then has the sickness hit at about 6 weeks (normal).  I usually have a pretty good idea that I'm pregnant when it's still too early to test.  Unfortunately, at 6 weeks...  the REAL morning sickness hit.  Suddenly I was sick all the time.  I couldn't stand to see food, eat food, think about food, cook food.   I was completely useless (still am actually).

I force myself to eat because I know it will only get substantially worse otherwise.  It's better to eat breakfast twice than to not eat breakfast at all, and unlike the stomach flu, you can't avoid puking by not eating.  You can however, sometimes avoid puking if you DO eat.

Interestingly, I developed a food aversion to, well, everything homemade.  Which gave me a difficult choice.  Well, it wasn't that difficult.  The baby needed food and if the only food I could keep down was pre-processed, I would eat it.  Contrary to popular belief, I'm not actually crazy.  I have been surviving on Cheerios, Saltines, fruit and granola bars.  I can usually fit in other foods too... sometimes, but please don't ask me to cook it.  Interestingly, I have discovered that I can eat a bowl of Cheerios right after throwing one up.  Who knew!?

So, if you think that means I failed my Real Food Experiment, oh well.  I suppose technically I did...  but I'm hoping I'm just taking a brief hiatus and this gets better so I can continue on.

However, the true, secret, motive for my plan has been accomplished, so even if I can't do it anymore...  I'm still pregnant. 



  1. Junk food and chocolate cake party!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations! H let it slip when I saw her last week and I have been trying really hard to keep it to myself. I'm really happy for you :) When's your due date? or datish? Sorry you feel so crappy. J didn't give me any grief but #2 has been rough. I've done things this time around I would never have done with J.. just to survive really. So I feel your pain and don't think you've failed. You have to do what's best for family and you will have many more years to get back to your experiment if you so wish. I personally can't wait to meet you and eat some of your yummy foods, pre-processed or not- sometime after baby sickness of course. Perhaps we can time a trip to TX together.


    PS- I deleted and reposted so I could remove names.

