Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dear Guest...

I care about you. I want you to feel at home in my home. I want to make you feel special and loved and appreciated. I want to fill your stomach and heart and mind. I want to laugh with you and toast our friendship. Please join me and be part of a memory.

Please come, make yourself at home, use what I own and eat what I have prepared. Please recognize the thought and time and effort required. Please remember that this is not something I have to do, but rather something I want to do... for you. Please notice the good china, the cloth napkins and the flatware I buffed to make sure there were no water spots. Please enjoy the feast I spent the day planning, shopping and preparing for.

I ask almost nothing in return.

Please respect me and my home. Please arrive promptly. Food takes time to prepare, and cannot always be postponed without massive effort. If you cannot be on time, please call me. Call as soon as you know you are running late. If you don't I feel unappreciated, and my effort feels ignored. I want you to come, I want you to enjoy yourself, but I want to feel I have done the best I can without having to sacrifice quality because of your indifference. Please don't be careless. I don't want to be the only one who cares.

Come join me. Come sit at my table and drink with me. Be part of my home and the memories it carries in it.


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