Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Diary of an Inventor, Part 3

I've done it. I've contacted a patent law firm/patent agent and have sent him pictures of my invention. He will be conducting an initial patent search and giving me his opinion of it's patentability. I'm not really sure how to feel. I'm nervous, because he might say "NO WAY JOSE! this invention SUCKS!" (likely not in those words), but I'm also excited that this might actually be something. In my own rudimentary search of existing patents, I wasn't really able to find anything exactly like I have created. There are things that essentially do the same thing, but of course, I am of the belief that mine will do it better. That said, marketability and patentability are not always one and the same.

So, I have let my birdie go, and we'll see if he comes back. If he does, he'll be mine to sell and licence and make money off, and if not, I can always make more birdies!

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