Saturday, August 21, 2010

A bad day for the bank account.

If bad things come in threes, I guess I'm still waiting for the third, but in my opinion, two is enough.  Granted, in the realm of terrible things that could happen, our day yesterday was a breeze.  First, we're having septic tank problems.  I don't really get the whole system (luckily Husband is well-versed), but from what I glean, the hard, clay-like soil around the pipes that pump water from the tank to the field somehow broke a pipe, and we sprung a leak.  Water is on lockdown in the house right now while Husband is outside digging. 

I feel bad for him, it's not going to be a pleasant job, but I figure, I did childbirth, so we can call it even.  (Sorry Husband, if I could take it from you I would.) 

On a somewhat related note, it rained yesterday, so the ground is extra muddy, and with that rain, came hail.

Luckily only one of our cars was damaged (an insured one *PHEW!*) and as annoying as it is, it was a car that needed some paint anyway, so we can throw in a few extra bucks and get all the stuff we needed to do done at the same time.  It's just the hassle of dealing with insurance, since it's a old car, but it's rare and has collector value.

Oh well, it is what it is.  Unfortunately cooking is kind of minimized since I can't wash dishes.  It's kind of like a camping trip at home!  Just don't forget your TP when you come visit, and watch for the poison ivy!

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