Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I never thought a day would come when I'd be excited (read: over the moon) to scrub the bathroom, but yet, there I was.  Counting the minutes, watching the clock, waiting for the all clear.  When it finally happened, it was so satisfying.

I haven't turned crazy (that I know of), I just haven't had properly running water (read: properly flushed toilets) in a few days.  Let me tell you, there is nothing mellow about yellow. 

We're up and running again, and part of me thinks it might be a good idea to just leave the massive hole in the backyard open forever, just in case.  It would save the two days of digging, the accidental sawing through a live wire, and the 2am pump testing.  No? Bad idea? Ok.

How about we just hire people next time?  Husband agrees.  We saved the money this time by doing it ourselves, but in his words "Next time I'll be able to fully appreciate the money it would cost."

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