Thursday, September 16, 2010

For my nieces and nephews, with apologies to their parents.

Having a kid is really fun, especially when people give her presents.  When I buy presents for other kids, I try really hard not to tell their parents what the gifts are, since I like to surprise them too.  "Here is a brand new PUPPY!  YAY!".  This present, however, was too much fun not to share, and since I'm pretty sure none of my nieces and nephews are avid followers of my blog (the oldest being 10), I had to post it.  Their mothers, however, do read my blog, so I apologize for spoiling the surprise.

I've always been a big proponent of school and learning (ironic, since by the end I was REALLY ready to get out, and I have ZERO desire to ever go back), so I decided to give something to my nieces and nephews to help get them excited for the school year.  Unfortunately some of them have already been in school for a month now (crazy Texans) and even the kids here are a few weeks in.  Oops.

Better late than never right?

Pencil cases!  With zippers for mouths and a waterproof lining.  I had to get my mom to come and re-teach me how to put in a zipper (I had done one maybe 5 years ago on a duvet cover), but I think they turned out well.  I'm really good at sewing things of the rectangular variety.  Please don't ask me to sew anything three-dimensional. 

They look a bit lumpy because they're filled with some fun school supplies I would have wanted as a kid, but were too "frivolous" at the time.  I got stuck with boring yellow pencils and erasers shaped like erasers. 

Here's hoping they like them!  I`m having trouble giving them up.

1 comment:

  1. They're a hit!

    My favourite is the cyclops/unibrow. Hilarious!
