Sunday, September 12, 2010

Peanut Butter Smackdown

After making my own peanut butter, I was wondering how it would stand up when in a blind taste test against other store-bought brands.  I bought 4 additional all-natural peanut butters.

Kraft, Adams, and 2 store brands (Our Compliments), regular and organic.

The first benefit I noted to making my own peanut butter, is that I didn't have to stir the oils in as I did with the others. That is gross. I know it's just from sitting on the shelf, and it's nothing more than a bit of separation, but I couldn't find a way of doing it that didn't result in oil dripping down over the rim onto my hand and all over the counter.

Once they were all mixed and dished up, I found some unsuspecting people (read: my family) and got them to try.  They obviously tried at first to figure out which one was mine, so as not to be insulting, but it was impossible to tell. (yay!)

The results:

The store brand ones were not worth buying.  They were gross.  They had weird flavours, and textures.  Kraft was ok, edible, but needed something to really make it better (you know, like, maybe some salt)

The winners tied it up...

YAY!  I'm ok with my peanut butter not being the best, if it's tied for the best.  The Adams brand also has salt added, which probably accounts for a better flavour.  They were both really tasty, but at 60% of the cost, I'm likely going to stick with making my own. 

We did, however, agree that no matter what peanut butter you buy, putting jelly on it makes them all good.


  1. Now what are you going to do with all the gross PB you bought?

  2. Peanut butter cookies I think... I'll bake with it. And the best part is they all need to be kept in the fridge, so I have 5 jars in there right now.
