Friday, September 17, 2010


Pocorn is wonderful, high fibre, fat free (until you add the delicious tasty butter) and easy to make.  I always used microwave packets, blissfully unaware of the palm oil lurking inside.  I wasn't about to get an air popper, but when at the Crate and Barrel outlet in Texas, I found this:

It's a microwave popcorn popper.  It's fantastic!  I had to have it, so I bought it, stuffed socks into it and brought it home in my checked luggage.  It survived, glass handle and all. 

You just need to stick some popcorn kernels in the bottom, stick it in the nuker on high and let it pop.  If you like your popcorn to have butter baked on, just stick a chunk of it onto this top mesh thing and it'll melt and cook right in. 

(Don't ask me about metal in the microwave... some nerd can tell you all about it if you wander through other parts of the internet. I just know it says "microwave safe" and I haven't blown anything up yet).  I personally prefer my popcorn to have added butter on it, so I skip that step and add it later.

Yes, it is marginally more work (you need to put it in the dishwasher) but considering how cheap plain popcorn kernels are, it's a definite savings over microwave popcorn.

Hey look, you can buy it on Amazon and save yourself the trip to Texas. 


  1. Or go to Calgary! They have them there too!

  2. cool, but what's wrong with hot air poppers? Actually I can tell you what is wrong with them. Unless it is 20 years old, any one that you buy in Canada is a joke. The voltage just isn't high enough. Get an Orville Redenbacher one from the US, however, and you're in business. I use mine at least twice a week.
