Monday, September 6, 2010

My garden patch.

Garden fresh veggies.  yum!  This year, I started my own tomatoes from seed and planted a garden.  I mainly just grew tomatoes (no, that's a lie, I also tried to grow peas, but the pathetic vine that grew doesn't have any peas on it).  What better place to inspire people to grow their own veggies than a blog about real food...  so here is a picture of my wonderful garden:

I bet you've never seen a tomato plant with no leaves before.  (That's what that sickly stick in the middle is... and the others aren't far behind).  It's horrible.  If it wasn't still producing tomatoes, I'd probably mow the whole thing down and pretend it never happened.  But for now, I'll let it live.  Maybe it's because I haven't watered it.  We had a lot of rain, so I didn't figure it needed water, but man, this garden needed something.  I can't get over how badly I garden.  I've been pretty cursed with gardens since moving to this house.  Maybe the previous owners were serial killers and the bones of their dead have in turn, killed the soil.  That's probably it.  Or maybe, I should stay as far away from a garden as possible.  Those poor plants, when the seeds popped up, they had no idea what they were in for.

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