Monday, September 13, 2010


Since I was kind of on a "grind up nuts and make a spread" kick, I thought, why stop at peanut butter?  I've never been a nutella fan (I know, I am a traitor to womankind), but I know a lot of people who DO like it, so I figured I'd try my hand at it.  I think this has been Girl's favourite day so far.  Not being terribly familiar with Nutella, I was kind of flying blind.  I may, in the future, revamp the recipe to make it better, but I'm all out of hazelnuts, so it's not going to happen today.

The basic recipe is easy... into a blender, (or food processor) put:

2 cups chopped hazelnuts

Grind it for a while, shaking the nuts down now and then, until they start to look clumpy.  (Until I got to the clumpy part that sounded a little dirty).  Then mix in:

1/4 cup cocoa
1 cup powdered sugar

Once that is incorporated, add a vegetable oil (any one will work, I used canola) slowly until it becomes a spread.  For me it took about 5 Tbsp.

This is completely non-dairy, so for all you allergic folk out there, it's a great substitute...  but I will also try one that incorporates dairy, either with evaporated milk or skim milk powder or something like that, so you can boost the calcium in it too. 

(A splash of vanilla never hurt anybody either)

Then, stick it in a jar.  I know the real stuff is shelf-stable, but like all natural peanut butter, it's likely best to keep this in the fridge. 

After I made this, I went over to my SIL's to taste nutella.  The flavour is definitely right, but the texture is still a bit off.  It has a slight grainy-ness to it, granted, it would likely be impossible to notice once it was spread onto toast. 

Enjoy!  Girl sure did!

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