Monday, September 27, 2010

Hot Sauce

You may be asking yourself...  what sort of recipe could there be for hot sauce?  doesn't it just come out of a bottle.  Why, yes it does.  You can use it straight from the bottle, or you could make it better.  We are hot sauce afficianados over here, so you really might as well.

Start with about a tablespoon of butter.  If you're sitting there staring at the screen in outrage at the added fat, I'd like to shatter your illusions.  In a restaurant, the typical ratio of hot sauce to butter is about 1:1... meaning, half of all the sauce you eat with your deep fried wings is butter.  So, a tablespoon seems pretty good.  It really does help though, you notice a big difference in how the sauce sticks and tastes.  Melt the butter in the microwave.

Add a good squirt of ketchup.  This is where you can decide how hot you want it...  if you like it hot, don't put in too much ketchup, if you like it milder, add more.  I've also had good results with also adding hickory BBQ sauce for a mild sauce. 

Add your hot sauce, and a splash of vinegar (maybe 1 Tbsp).  My mom started doing that, and it makes it really good.   Make as much or as little as you want.  We tend to eat sauce, using our food as conduit, so we made a lot for the two of us.  (Girl hasn't reached buffalo sauce stage yet).

Once it's all in the bowl, nuke it for about a minute or so.  It'll help the ingredients blend together, and warm up the whole lot.  You don't want to put cold sauce on hot wings after all!

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