Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I needed breadcrumbs.  I can honestly say I have never purchased breadcrumbs, but I think I can attest that more to my Oma than to any work on my part.  I'm pretty sure that Oma, the day before she died, spent the entire day making breadcrumbs.  There is no other explanation.  Since I was given the task of cleaning out her apartment solo (long story), and needed a freezer, I took her small apartment-sized freezer home, contents and everything.  I quickly gave away the pig feet and ducks *shudder* and among the rest of the normal food, was an insane amount of breadcrumbs.  She died 5 years ago, and I just finished them a few weeks ago.   Mental note, always keep breadcrumbs in the freezer.  They'll last really, really long.

So, for the first time in 5 years, I had no breadcrumbs.  I was anticipating this, so whenever I'd get down to the crust of some of my homemade bread (the part I don't like eating anyway)  I set it aside and let it dry out.  (You can also do this in a low oven more quickly if you need them pronto).  It doesn't matter what kind of bread you have.  It's a great way to get rid of the stale stuff.

This is where the recipe gets complicated.  Stick it into a food processor (a blender would likely work too, just make sure you have small pieces) and pulverize the snot out of it.

Breadcrumbs! Now I can make hamburgers!

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