Friday, September 10, 2010

Traitor to the cause.

I have reached the point in motherhood where my fears will soon be realized. 

I've always been leery of those single-room-restrooms where the only thing between you and the outside world is one door...  usually one that is really far away from the toilet.  How would I really know if the lock actually works, of if some unsuspecting person isn't going to turn the knob, just so?  Especially in Subway.  Usually the restroom is within view of the entire restaurant.

I am not a fan of bringing company with me to the restroom.  I prefer to pee alone, but going out of the house with Girl sometimes means there is no other choice.  Leaving her with some nice looking shopkeeper is probably a recipe for disaster. 

I noticed yesterday, that she is tall enough to reach the handle.  Now, not only am I afraid of strangers, but I have to watch for traitors on the inside too!


  1. In a new mall we have here in Edmonton, each stall in the womens bathroom comes with a little high chair type thing so you can put your kid in it when you pee.

    I would assume that it is filled with all kinds of germs but the general idea was good. :)

  2. I've seen those too... I think Girl would freak out if I strapped her into it. I think it would be better for the little ones that you'd otherwise be juggling on your lap.
