Monday, September 20, 2010

Virtually indestinguishable.

Ice cream.  So delicious, so simple.  If, of course, you have an ice cream maker.

My mom brought a brownie over one day, so what else could I do, but whip up some delicious homemade vanilla ice cream?

Start with
2 eggs

Beat them until they look light and fluffy (a hand wisk is fine for this...  you're not making a meringue or anything)

then add...
3/4 cup sugar, wisking continuously until it's all well blended.

Wisk in...
2 cups whipping cream
1 cup milk
2 tsp vanilla

and then pour the whole mixture into your ice cream maker, following it's directions.

Apparently my SIL has been looking for her ice cream maker recently.  Julie... any similarities between it and this one are purely coincidental.  (*wink*)

Ta Da! Ice cream!

After trying some Husband said "This is virtually indestinguishable from ice cream".

It's a good thing I love you honey... because it is ice cream.


  1. Indistinguishable? How dare he. Homemade ice cream always surpasses the taste and texture of storebought! Ask anyone in my family. We know this well.

  2. You would have loved the food prep class I took in university. We pasta, ice cream, pitas, hummus, beef jerky, and a whole lot of other things from scratch. It was very eye opening... we also did canning and dehydrating. Canning isn't new to me, as I used to watch my mom do it all the time, but dehydrating? That's cool stuff.
